Friday, January 25, 2013

Dynamic DNS on OpenWrt

  1. Search the download area for your version of OpenWrt's packages folder
  2. Then use your browser's find in page and look for "DDNS"
  3. There will be three hits; the first two start with:
  4. SCP these files to the router (I use WinSCP).
  5. SSH to the router (I use Putty) and type:
    opkg install ddns{tab} luci-{tab}
  6. Now you can edit the DDNS settings either via the web browser (click the services tab) or
    vi /etc/config/ddns
  7. Make sure to click the "Enable" checkbox and set enabled equal to 1 in the config file!
  8. At this point you could stop and hope it works, but more likely than not it wont.
  9. Try to run the update script and see what happens:
    /usr/lib/ddns/ myddns
  10. This script uses BusyBox's wget to call the DDNS service.  However, whoever put the sed replacements together must use "1234" as their password because just about any special character gets escaped wrong and break DDNS updating.

    Even my email address did not work.

    Luckily with dyndns you can use a username as well-- I set mine to have no special characters.

    There are a number of fixes you can make to the script instead (see first 3 results).

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